Safari Extension

From the tracking page, in the Browsers section, find the Safari extension.

  1. Click “Add to Safari” button to go to the extension’s home page in the Mac App Store Preview.
  2. If the App Store app doesn’t open automatically, click “View in Mac App Store”.
  3. Click the “Get” button.
  4. You may be prompted to allow Clockk to have access to Safari's current page. Select “Always Allow”.
  5. In order to login to Clockk, click on the “Visit Clockk to link extension” button, and if that doesn't work, login manually using your email and password.

If things still don't work, ask for help using the Intercom in the bottom right-hand corner!

**N.B. The Safari extension only works in macOS Big Sur (macOS 11) and later. **

Installing the Clockk Safari Extension