Automatic time tracking for software developers
To all the software developers and programmers out there, you know how challenging it can be to track how long you spend on client projects.
You spend your day jumping from project to project and lose track of time.
You spend time sorting through your emails, calendars, and to-do lists to figure out how much time you spent on each project.
You’re not confident that you are billing for all your time and let revenue slip through the cracks.
Learn how Clockk helps software developers and programmers track their time while embracing the way you work.
"I manage multiple clients and projects at a time but quite often lose track of things as I switch between them.”
Having to remember to start and stop a timer EVERY time you switch between projects is inefficient and inaccurate. It’s nearly impossible to capture all your hours accurately, which means you’re likely not billing for all the time you’ve worked, resulting in missed revenue opportunities.
Clockk is a game-changer for software developers and programmers who thrive in a dynamic, multitasking work environment. With Clockk, there's no need to remember to start or stop timers, allowing you to embrace your natural workflow.
Clockk is an AI-powered time tracking app that runs in the background, automatically recording your computer activity. Clockk allows you to seamlessly transition between different projects throughout the day, while still having a reliable record of your time spent on each one. Find the apps you used, websites you visited, your email, and calendar grouped by project/client in Clockk’s Activity view.
“I did Toggl, I did Harvest, I did my phone start stop. I tried everything you can think of. And undoubtedly, I was always great about pressing the start, but just terrible at pressing stop. I would go to look at my time later on and apparently, I'd work with somebody for four hours that day when it was only four minutes. But yeah, I tried them all and I hated them with a passion until Clockk came around.” -Richard Zimbalist

“I lost client billable time because I did not feel confident that, oh, that added up to a certain amount.”
How much money have you lost from inaccurate time tracking? Time adds up fast and failing accurately track your hours could mean you’re losing out on billable time.
With Clockk, you can feel confident that you’re getting paid for every minute of your work. Increase your profitability by uncovering and billing for time you previously lost track of.
Clockk has unique technology that can differentiate different projects within the same app. Let’s say you’re handling multiple Google Analytics accounts for different clients. Clockk will distinguish between each account and learn which project/client each account gets assigned to so you can capture all your hours for each client.
“Depending on how much I work myself, with Clockk, I bill around $3,000 to $5,000 a month more. Before, if I worked 10 minutes, I didn’t track it so I don’t write an invoice for that. I just throw it away, I’d rather keep it.” - Felix Schulze

“Personally, I often find that tracking and capturing what you are working on takes longer and is a bigger hassle to do than doing the actual project work.”
The last thing you want to think about after a busy day is how long you spent on each project. Sorting through your emails, calendars, and to-do lists to figure out how much time you spent on each project is both time-consuming and stressful, not to mention prone to mistakes.
Clockk handles time tracking for you.Automatically assign work to projects with the Assign Always feature. If you Assign Always, Clockk will automatically assign that same task to the designated project in the future, simplifying your workflow even further.
“I pay for Clockk out of pocket myself because it just makes my life easier and makes it less stressful to do the thing I hate the most, which is tracking my time. I try to be taking the time to do the work than taking the time to tell people the work that I did.” -Luke Thorson
“Where is my day going? Wake up and then it's night time. Where did it go?”
Do you sit there at the end of a busy day wondering where the heck the day went? You were so focused on your work that you have no clue how much time you spent on each project, making it extremely difficult to make informed business decisions.
With Clockk, you’ll know exactly how long projects take you. Create accurate proposals for your clients. Determine when its time to adjust your rates, and plan your day with confidence. Find your total tracked time in the reports section, where you can filter and sort the data by day, client, or project to get the exact information you need.
“Even if it's not being used for billing or for income, I just need to have it recorded. I just like knowing for myself, what were the hours that I spent? Am I charging them enough? That is something a few weeks ago, I actually had conversations with clients going, I'm seeing that I'm spending way more time on your site than initially planned, and we either need to increase the amount because over time it's still way above what we'd set out. And it's great because I can show it.” -Jane Bekker

Why software developers and programmers love Clockk
"With Clockk I can say, oh, yes, I had all of these internal conversations and that added up to a total of an hour. That's hundreds of dollars and that billable target. And that time I previously probably was not recording. So huge benefit there.” -Luke Thorson
"“Clockk takes away the guesswork of what you worked on today. Which app did you work on? Which website? Which page on the website? How many hours did you spend on a project? It could have been two, it could have been one. I would just write one or one and a half when really it was 3 hours. This is very important for me.” -Felix Schulze
Ready to save time and find unbilled hours? Get Started