How to thank your freelance clients for their business

Amanda Dykstra • December 1, 2022

Without your clients, your business wouldn’t exist. Show them how much you appreciate their business by thanking them regularly. We will discuss the importance of client appreciation and provide some tips on how you can show your gratitude.

Why you should thank your clients

Taking the time to express your thanks helps grow your freelance business. In today’s competitive marketplace, client loyalty is more important than ever. Showing your appreciation is one of the best ways to foster long-term relationships.

Building a strong relationship with your clients makes them:

  1. More likely to continue working with you in the future

  2. More likely to tell others about their experience working with you - bringing you new clients.

When to thank your clients

Here are a few occasions when your clients will be especially touched by a thank you note.

After you have completed a project

You should always show your appreciation after you completed a project. It’s also a great opportunity to let your clients know that you are available if they need help with anything.

“For one-off projects, I like to get in touch a few weeks down the line and say how much I enjoyed working with them (If that has been the case!).” -Anete Lusina, Freelance B2B SaaS & Tech Writer (@AneteLusina).

After you send an invoice or receive payment

It’s good manners to add a thank you message after you send an invoice or receive payment. When a client feels appreciated, they are more likely to prioritize your invoices to make sure you receive prompt payment.

“With any invoice I send, I make sure to add a thank you message - even if it’s sometimes automated.” -Anete Lusina, Freelance B2B SaaS & Tech Writer (@AneteLusina).

After they referred a client to you

A referral is one of the highest compliments your clients can give you. They are essentially vouching for your character and competence. Taking the time to express your gratitude will show your clients that you are committed to maintaining their trust. Saying thanks also helps encourage them to continue sending business your way.

After you’ve helped your clients reach a milestone

Share their excitement. Tell them you’re proud to have contributed to their success. This is a good way to remind them of the value you provided and keep you in their mind for the future.


Holidays are a great time to express gratitude. Make a list of your favorite clients and send them a thank you note at Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. You can even go the extra mile and send your absolute best clients a personalized gift. This will help clients remember you and the experience they had working with you.

“I usually thank them during the holidays by sending cards and gifts” -Michelle Garrett, Freelance writer (@PRisUs).

Start your own tradition

Create your own client appreciation day. Send your best clients a thank you letter or gift on the same day every year. You can pick any day that works well with your schedule. Or pick a date that has meaning to you, such as the anniversary of the day you started your company.

How to thank your clients

Send them an email

This doesn't have to be lengthy or elaborate. A brief, sincere message expressing your gratitude will suffice. Reference what you enjoyed most about working with the client. Let them know that you want to keep working with them in the future.

“I try to make it more personal in some way by saying something about why I enjoy working with them.” -Michelle Garrett, Freelance writer (@PRisUs).

Handwritten note

This is a good option if you have the clients address. In today’s world of digital communication, taking the time to put pen to paper will make clients feel valued. Keep it short and sweet and make sure you personalize the message!

Send them a gift

It doesn’t have to be expensive, but a small token of your appreciation will go a long way. Send a gift basket of items that your client will enjoy, such as gourmet food, or trendy office supplies. Or get them a gift card to their favorite restaurant. Sending a gift is great to do on holidays for your best clients.

Take them to an event

Choose something you think your client would enjoy. This could be a concert, a play, or a sports game. If they are avid golfers, take them to a golf tournament! This shows that you’re paying attention to their interests and that you value their company. In addition, attending an event together is a great way to build rapport and strengthen your relationship.

Make sure the event is affordable. You don’t want to spend more money than you have in order to thank your clients. You also want to choose an event that is convenient for both you and your client.

Shout out on social media

Say thanks by sharing a post about their business on social media. This shows that you appreciate their business, while helping to promote their brand and generate new leads. It doesn’t have to be overly formal or time-consuming. A simple post expressing your thanks and highlighting the work you’ve done together can go a long way.

Video message

This doesn’t have to be anything fancy - simply shoot a quick video on your phone and send it to your clients. It is personal and shows that you care about your relationship with them. First, keep it short and sweet. Your clients are busy people, so they will appreciate a thank-you that is to the point. Second, be genuine and sincere in your words. A heartfelt message will go a long way in making your client feel appreciated.

Take them out for a meal

Show your appreciation for their business by enjoying a meal together. Keep it simple by taking them out for lunch, or choose a restaurant and take them out for dinner and drinks! This is a great opportunity to get to know your clients better and build deeper relationships.

Donate to a charity in honor of your clients

Donating to a charity in honor of your clients is a thoughtful and impactful way to thank your clients for their business. When choosing a charity, be sure to select one that is aligned with your clients’ values. This not only shows that you are grateful for their business, but it also helps to support a worthy cause.

“I’m thinking about making a donation to a charitable organization in honor of my clients as a “gift” this year - versus buying them something.” -Michelle Garrett, Freelance writer (@PRisUs).

No matter how you choose to express your gratitude, whether it’s an email, a handwritten note, or a gift, make sure it’s heartfelt and genuine. Your clients will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and remember you the next time they need freelance services.

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