This is the Clockk brand. Please be kind with it. Give our logo and mark space. Don’t use our brand without our permission.
The green logo is our main logo. Use it in most cases.
(svg)(svg, inverted)
(png)(png, inverted)
The blue logo is our secondary logo. We use it for our beta channel.
(svg)(svg, inverted)
(png)(png, inverted)
The orange logo is our tertiary logo. We use it for our alpha channel. When we build a developer site, we will use the orange logo there as well.
(svg)(svg, inverted)
(png)(png, inverted)
#35bd59 - links, buttons, etc. #2b3f4f - body text, dark background (do not use black)Secondary
#0078db - alternate links, buttons, etc. #ff7e00 - use sparinglyGradients
Use these gradients to add a bit more life to the Clockk experience. Broadly, anything in the realm of green through teal will be fine.
transparent linear-gradient(93deg, #43D153 0%, #219E9E 100%) 0% 0% no-repeat padding-box transparent linear-gradient(111deg, #D0FFDB 0%, #9BE2E8 100%) 0% 0% no-repeat padding-boxTertiary
These are default project colours in the Clockk app. They may be used in advertising materials when accents are needed.
#41c7bd #04988d #00b1ff #0078db #31319a #153246 #3b0d84 #531754 #8d2424 #622e2e #ff7e00 #a25d0d #e8b868 #b19c6f #a7af46 #35bd59 #19a850 #1e5c25 #171c1b