Does Clockify integrate with Jira
Clockk • October 26, 2023
Yes, Clockify integrates with Jira.
Clockify embeds a timer into the app so you can track time on tasks directly from Jira without having to switch back to Clockify. You will need to install the chrome extension or firefox extension for the timer to appear.
When the timer starts, Clockify will detect the project, task, and label from Jira, and try to match it with the correct project in Clockify. When you stop the timer, the time entry will be saved in Clockify.
Automatically track time in Jira
If you‘re looking to automatically track the time you spend in Jira, check out Clockk! Clockk is an AI powered (automatic) time tracking app that integrates with Jira. Instead of timers, Clockk runs in the background, automatically tracking your time spent in Jira and organizing it by client and project.
- No start/stop timers to constantly monitor
- Focus on delivering top-notch service to your clients instead of tracking your hours
- Make more money by capturing all your billable hours
- Bill your clients confidently
- Insights into your work patterns and productivity
- Uniquely separates projects work done in Jira

- No credit card required. Everything tracked is private for your eyes only.
Ready to save time and find unbilled hours? Get Started