Could have been better - Clockk Insight softlaunch in review
Paul Doerwald • February 9, 2023
We soft-launched Clockk Insight on Thursday February 2, 2023.
Why “soft-launched”? We tested the software as much as we could, but there’s nothing like real users hammering your software. Our soft-launch plan was to announce Clockk Insight on Twitter. Sign-ups get 3 months free.
(We don’t actually have a way to bill users yet, so 3 months gives us lots of time to build a billing system!)
With the soft launch, I promised the Twitterverse regular updates on our growth. With that, I bring you our first "build in public" post!
First, the good stuff: metrics.
This is the Twitter post announcing Clockk Insight:
An email a day keeps the timesheets away. 🍎
— Paul Doerwald (@pauldoerwald) February 2, 2023
We just launched the easiest-to-use time tracking tool ever. And it’s FREE for 3 months ($18 value).
10 minutes of setup gets you a daily email showing you everything you did yesterday.
Like & comment “wow” and I’ll DM the details.

At the time of this writing, it had 21 retweets, 9 quote tweets, 68 likes, 48 comments (38 “wow”) and 11.7K impressions.
I am pleased with how well this tweet performed. In fact, this is my best-performing tweet ever. I called in every favour and twitter-friend I had to promote this tweet. Bear in mind that I only had about 430 followers and the @clockkcom account had about 1240 followers.
Now, let’s dig a little deeper. What did all that glorious Twitter action yield?
Hypefury’s auto-DM campaign tool that we sent 49 auto-DMs inviting users to sign up to Clockk Insight.

These are the clicks on the invite link:

Google Analytics agrees, showing 13 new users and 35 sessions connected to our utm_

campaign in Google AnalyticsNow let’s get into the real meat: conversions to sign-up. Intercom reports 4 users signed up with the “softlaunch” campaign. (Intercom shows 6, but 2 of them are internal users). I also know that 2 others signed up due to the invite, but they didn’t click the link. That makes a total of 6 sign-ups that I can attribute to the softlaunch campaign.

This is what the funnel ends up looking like:

The final value — 6 on-boarded — means that they installed at least one of Clockk’s trackers. Our long-term on-board rate has been around 50%, so 100% is excellent. I would have been happy with 50%. The burden of getting Clockk set up is quite high. We need you to install 2 trackers plus email and calendar. These are not easy steps.
I also picked up 17 Twitter followers. That means my conversion rate to followers was a lot higher than my conversion to users.
I’m pleased that my tweet performed so well. Like I said — it’s my best performing tweet ever. Yet, in spite of it doing so well, I can’t call it a viral tweet. My friends did most of the RTs and comments. The tweet did get traction beyond my friends, but not at the level I hoped.
I can think of several reasons:
- The offer (3 months free, $18 value) wasn’t good enough.
- The mechanism (auto-DM campaign) wasn’t the right choice for this promotion.
- The tweet itself was underwhelming (e.g. bad hook) and didn’t tell enough about the value behind.
- I (@pauldoerwald) am too much of an unknown for the tweet to gain traction.
All these reasons are true to one degree or another.
User feedback
4 of 6 new users gave us useful feedback:
- One was unsure if he could close the Clockk tracker window (answer is “yes, of course!”).
- Another expressed concern that Clockk might feel like “big brother”. This is a fair point, but that’s the subject of another post.
- Another found a bug that was preventing him from seeing half the data we tracked!
- Two users noticed that our value proposition — an email every day — doesn’t work on your first day after signup! OOPS!
The most exciting feedback was this:
I was just in a marketing team meeting telling everyone about @clockkcom - Funny, not everyone loves time management and insight as much as I do. Maybe I was gushing a BIT MUCH.
— Sandy Hubbard - Marketing Strategist & B2B Advisor (@sandyhubbard) February 7, 2023
This is the kind of feedback that keeps our small team going.
Next steps
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
I’m not going to lie. This first kick at the can was a bit disappointing. I don’t know what I expected, but I hoped for more than 6 sign-ups.
On the plus side, we now know that a Twitter campaign with 11.7K impressions should yield at least 6 sign-ups. We have a baseline to improve from.
These are our next marketing projects:
- A re-engagement campaign — we have about 1000 sign-ups to Clockk Time (the O.G. Clockk), most of whom aren’t active any more. We’re going send targeted emails to different sub-groups inviting them back.
- A Product Hunt launch — because every product deserves its Product Hunt launch day!
- Search & display ads — We have a unique spin: You’re a Toggl user? Great! Keep using Toggl, but add Clockk Insight for pain-free, accurate timesheets.
- Build in public — with this first post, I commit to building Clockk Insight in public.
Meanwhile we’re continuing our efforts on social media and content marketing.
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